Naniwa Kuishinbo Yokocho

【大阪海遊館 なにわくいしんぼ横丁】
【Naniwa Kuishinbo Yokocho@Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan】
Naniwa Kuishinbo Yokocho is a food theme park located within the Tempozan Marketplace shopping mall. At Naniwa Kuishinbo Yokocho, you can choose from a large variety of local Osaka cuisine, offered by 20 or so small but excellent restaurants, while enjoying the nostalgic setting inspired by the rough-and-ready neighborhoods of 1960s Osaka.

奈良 東大寺 Nara Todaiji Temple
京都駅 Kyoto Station
京都 清水寺 Kyoto Kiyomizudera
京都 清水坂 Kyoto Kiyomizuzaka
京都 金閣寺 Kyoto Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion)
奈良 東大寺 Nara Todaiji Temple